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22nd Jul 2013

Emergency Laparotomy Network follow up study: July 2013

The 2010-2011 audit of the Emergency Laparotomy Network demonstrated an overall 30-day postoperative mortality of 14.9%, which was higher still in identified high-risk groups.

Data concerning medium-term survival following non-elective laparotomy is lacking worldwide. In response to this need, a follow-up study of the ELN audit cohort was commissioned, the aim of which is to assess survival over the 3 years following surgery. Derived data will inform other research and quality improvement, including the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA).

In July 2013 this follow-up study received approval from the Health Research Authority to proceed and the application to access patient mortality data was lodged. Leads for the Network audit will soon be contacted to request patient identifiers for those individuals included in the ELN audit. Further information will be disseminated via the NHS Networks site.

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